Requested Action
A Land Use Variation to allow “Bakery Products, Wholesale and Production” in the M-1 district.
Variations Identified
Chapter 28, Section 6.12-1(3) Traffic Engineering Approval, to waive the requirement for a traffic and parking analysis from a Certified Traffic Engineer.
A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on October 8, 2014 where Commissioner Drost moved and Commission Ennes seconded:
A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees the approval of PC#14-018, a Land Use Variation to allow “Bakery Products, Wholesale and Production” in the M-1 district, and a variation from Chapter 28, Section 6.12-1(3) Traffic Engineering Approval, to waive the requirement for a traffic and parking analysis from a Certified Traffic Engineer.
This approval is contingent upon compliance with the recommendations of the Plan Commission and the following recommendations detailed in the Staff Development Committee report dated October 2, 2014:
1. The Land Use Variation is limited to I-Cubed Enterprises/ Food Commissary only and food prep shall be limited to Savory Salads.
2. The trash dumpster on the site will be internally located if permitted, or screened from public ways, and surrounding uses and secured with fencing, sealed and moved to the north side of the loading dock.
3. If the Village determines that the proposed use results in the emission of objectionable odors in quantities so as to be readily detectable by an observer at any point on the boundary line of any premises or beyond, then the Petitioner will need to incorporate addition measures and/or improvements that will address the odor issue. The exhaust venting should be moved as far north as possible.
4. Once the food preparation schedule is determined, the frequency of the trash pick-up will be increased so that trash placed in the receptacle will not remain in the receptacle for more than 48 hours.
5. The site shall be monitored for any issues relative to resident concerns such as odor, rodents, traffic and trash.
6. The Petitioner shall comply with all Federal, State, and Village codes, regulations, and policies.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Drost, Ennes, Sigalos, Warskow and Chairman Lorenzini voted in favor, and Commissioner Dawson voted against. Motion carried.
Commissioner Dawson comment:
My comment is that I'm not against the project. I just don't feel that there was enough information here tonight for me to recommend it to the Village Board. If there were more information, if the owners had been here; I don't feel the special use criteria was clearly enough set out for me to make the recommendation. With more information, it would have been a yes.
Chairman Lorenzini comment:
My comment is that I relate very well to one of the residents who said this wasn't here when we moved in. But I guess the thing that's kind of the tipping point for me is that there really is no definition, a good definition for this in the code, should it be in M-1 or in M-2. It's an M-2 by default but it sounds like it could very well be an M-1. And I think the Petitioner is making every effort they can to make this a satisfactory situation. And I would also ask Latika if, maybe if you can look into if there is any type of Village rodent control program. It looks like the, this area could use it, whether or not this facility is here or not.