| | | | | | | | | Item: | Scarsdale Estates Drainage Improvements – Phase 2 Design | Department: | Public Works |
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| | | | | | | | | | In 2021, the Village Board approved a proposal by Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) to evaluate drainage in the Scarsdale Estates neighborhood. A majority of the neighborhood currently has no storm sewers and is served by ditches that flow to the combined sewer system. The original ditches have been altered over the years and are now ineffective. The Final Report dated July 2023 provides a number of alternatives and recommendations. Construction Estimates are $4.4 to $4.6 million depending on the final design and if we can accommodate on above ground detention or if it has to be below ground. Preliminary Construction Estimates far exceed available local funding. Complications due to limited available land for detention, elevation of the area, and the fact that there is no readily available storm sewer, all led to higher than expected construction costs.
A Request for Qualifications was advertised on September 25, 2023 for engineering services for Phase 2 Design and Phase 3 Construction of the Scarsdale Estates Drainage Improvements project. A committee of four Staff members was established to carefully review each of the eight proposals received at the October 20, 2023 deadline. Proposals identified the consultant’s understanding of the project, how they intend to approach the project, key personnel assigned, their overall qualifications, and a project schedule.
Following the Qualification Based Selection (QBS) Policy, Staff scored all the consultants and selected Ciorba Group, Inc. of Chicago, IL to negotiate Phase 2 engineering design services. After discussions to finalize the project scope and negotiate price, Ciorba proposed a contract in the not to exceed amount of $441,798.72. The design services fee is roughly 10%-6.9%, which is less than estimated and at or below industry standard.
The requested action would authorize the approval of the proposal provided by Ciorba for Phase 2 engineering design services for the Scarsdale Estates Drainage Improvements project. Village Staff is in favor of proceeding with contract as completion of the design will make the project "shovel-ready" and improve the chances of grant funding.
The scope of services includes proposed improvements evaluation and alternatives analysis, preparation of plans specifications and cost estimates, plats of easement, a public meeting with local stakeholders, a Village Board meeting, permitting and bidding assistance. Phase 3 construction engineering services are not included in this proposal and will be negotiated separately once construction is scheduled.
Funding is available in the Storm Water Control Fund in Account No. 426-7101-550250 (SW-2302) for this project.
It is recommended that the Village Board award a contract for the Scarsdale Estates Drainage Improvements – Phase 2 Design to Ciorba Group, Inc. of Chicago, Illinois, for the not-to-exceed cost of $441,798.72 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.
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