Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Well #13 - Emergency Repairs
Department: Public Works

In February this year, during required IEPA sampling of Well #13, the well motor failed to start. As a result, Staff contacted one of the Village’s qualified contractors to pull the pump and motor to determine what caused the failure and inspect for damage.  Staff has been working with the contractor to understand what failed and to determine the necessary repairs to put the pump and motor back into service.

Well #13 is one of six different active wells maintained by the Public Works Department. The wells are kept active to serve as a redundant water supply, in the event that something disrupts the Village’s current Lake Michigan water supply, provided through the Northwest Water Commission (NWWC). Public Works Staff exercise and samples all six Village-owned wells monthly as required by the IEPA and reports all well activity annually as required by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR).

The contractor that pulled the pump and motor (Water Well Solutions Illinois, LLC) identified the failures and has determined the required repairs needed to put the pump and motor back in service. The proposal includes repairing the stator core, replacing the bearings, and all necessary testing and reinstallation, at a total cost of $41,125. The contractor is qualified to perform the required work and is able to complete it in a timely fashion. Staff is requesting that the proposal submitted by Water Well Solutions Illinois, LLC, 825 E. North Street, Elburn, Illinois, 60119, in the amount of $41,125 be recommended for acceptance.
This is an emergency repair, and therefore the budget does not reflect funding for this work. However, there is funding available in Account No. 505-7201-550150 (EQ1530), for pump and motor maintenance to account for this repair. The originally planned work can be deferred to a future year, so no budget amendments are necessary at this time.

Staff is recommending that the Village Board authorize the expenditure of $41,125 to Water Well Solutions Illinois, LLC, 825 E. North Street, Elburn, Illinois 60119, for the repair and reinstallation of the pump and motor for Well #13. 




It is recommended that the Village Board authorize the expenditure of $41,125 to Water Well Solutions Illinois, LLC, of Elburn, Illinois, for the repair and reinstallation of the pump and motor for Well #13 and authorize Staff to execute all necessary documents.