As part of the new 2024 procedures for purchasing salt through the Illinois Department of Central Management Services (ID-CMS), there is now an agreement required that must be approved through Resolution by the Village Board, in order to complete the ordering process for road salt, required of all participating agencies. The ID-CMS manages bulk State contracts, including rock salt purchases that are bid out and awarded annually.
The agreement identifies specific staff members who, through this approval, will have the authority to bind the Village into the joint salt bid on behalf of the Village of Arlington Heights. This authorization does not give the identified Village staff authority to enter into State contracts without Village Board approval, as outlined in the Village Code and Village Purchasing Procedures.
The 2024 Budget identifies expenditures for the purchase of rock salt, and staff will still bring a recommendation for actual salt purchases to the Village Board for approval at a later date. This document simply clarifies for the State what staff is authorized to submit a road salt order on behalf of the Village. Several staff members are listed as an assurance that the process of ordering salt is not subject to a single individual.
It is recommended that the Village Board adopt the Resolution allow those Staff members listed to enter into contracts and joint participation agreements on behalf of the Village. No funding is needed for this approval.