Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Resolution - Approving a Second Amendment to the ERP Project Implementation Advisory Services Agreement with Plante & Moran, PLLC.
Department: ISD/Village Manager's Office

On September 20, 2021, the Village and Plante & Moran, PLLC (“PM”) entered into an agreement for Plante Moran to provide Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Professional Consultant Services.


On September 5, 2023, the Village and Plante Moran approved the first amendment extending Plante Moran’s services from 12/01/2023 to 3/31/2024. The first amendment allowed for an increased level of service in response to changes in Village project resources. During this time the Village successfully implemented its new utility billing, permitting/land management, code compliance, human capital management, and finance/accounting systems.  These systems are now in production serving the residents of the Village.


While the Village was successful in staying on track with having the primary modules going live by the end of March 2024, there are still smaller sub-modules that will be implemented over the next few months based upon various department schedules. As a result, the ERP staff leadership team has recognized the need for continued stabilization services from Plante Moran to help support the Village and bring about successful completion of the remaining sub-modules and help transition the Village to the new solutions.


Plante Moran has submitted a second amendment proposal to extend its advisory services from 4/01/2024 through 7/31/2024 to complete the implementation of the remaining ERP modules.   In addition, they will provide business process review in the area of timekeeping and payroll process mapping and controls review which will help stabilize processes in the future.  This will support the Village’s implementation of its remaining ERP project modules including: workforce management, staff scheduling, payroll, e-procurement, and citizen service request integration.


Plante Moran will continue to facilitate weekly EPR Core Team Meetings and join project status / workshop meetings with members of the Tyler Technologies ERP and Village staff. Its team will also provide expertise on best practices, client experience, and project management support.


The total cost to extend the advisory services through July 2024 is at a total cost not to exceed $63,200. Funding for these services is available in Account No. EQ1904-EQUIP-HW/SW (625-0601-550100-) as the project is still well within budget.


Staff is requesting approval of the second amendment. Plante Moran possesses extensive expertise in the area of enterprise resource planning professional consulting services. They have successfully provided the Village with an ERP needs assessment, system selection services, implementation services as well as guiding the Village through core project status meetings and helping the Village troubleshoot issues.  As mentioned previously, a new ERP solution is a significant capital investment by the Village and Plante Moran will help guide us to the finish line as we bring the remaining sub-modules online and stabilize our new software solutions.



It is recommended that the Village Board approve a resolution authorizing the Village Manager to execute the Second Amendment to the ERP Project Implementation Advisory Services Agreement with Plante & Moran, PLLC in an amount not to exceed $63,200.

Resolution Plante Moran Second Amendment ERP Advisory ServicesResolution
Exhibit A PM-AH Second Amendment ContractAgreement