| | | | | | | | | Item: | 2024 Resurfacing & Sidewalk Program - Approval of Change Order #2 for Additional Parking Lots | Department: | Public Works |
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| | | | | | | | | | The 2024 Resurfacing Program includes resurfacing 8.20 miles asphalt streets, along with the resurfacing of the Wing Street Parking Lot at the northwest corner of Northwest Highway and Arlington Heights Road.
Following the bid opening of the 2024 Resurfacing Program, Staff identified two additional parking lots that needed maintenance. These parking lots were funded for maintenance in a different account. Staff proposes adding these two parking lots and the funding to the 2024 Resurfacing project by means of this Change Order #2. Change Order #1 was a minimal change authorized administratively for a minor traffic signal revision at White Oak Street.
The two lots identified in the plan are the front parking lot at the Public Works facility, located at 222 N Ridge Ave and the rear parking lot at the Senior Center, located at 1801 W Central Road (accessed from New Wilke Road). Since the 2024 Resurfacing & Sidewalk Program has been awarded, the work would be paid at the unit prices in the associated contract for each line item of work. Leveraging the unit prices from the resurfacing contract allows the Village to replace the entirety of these lots compared to the planned maintenance only. The prime contractor is Builders Paving, LLC and the engineer's estimate for the associated improvements is $74,191.65.
Funding is available in the current Parking Lot Fund Account No. 235-7101-550250 (BL2102) Road Projects ($80,000).
Staff recommends approval of the additional parking lots to be incorporated into the 2024 Resurfacing and Sidewalk Program. The work could begin in mid-April to early May.
It is recommended that the Village Board approve Change Order No. 2 for incorporating the additional parking lots in the 2024 Resurfacing and Sidewalk Program, in the amount of $74,191.65 and authorize Village Manager to execute the necessary documents.
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