Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Snowplow Truck Vehicles - 2025 Contract Award and Budget Amendment Ordinance Approval
Department: Public Works

Public Works Staff has been presented with a time-sensitive opportunity in the current trucking industry climate. Peterbilt Illinois Joliet dba JX Truck Center has informed the Fleet Services Staff about immediate order bank openings for cabs and chassis, including upfitting for snowplow vehicles. This opportunity comes at a fortuitous time, as three snowplow trucks are due for replacement in 2025. Considering the ongoing challenges, the Village has experienced in vehicle, truck, and equipment orders since the 2020 pandemic, Staff recommends taking advantage of this opportunity by committing projected funding from the 2025 Capital Plan to secure these orders.

The proposed 2025 Capital Improvement Plan recommends $932,903 in funding to replace three aging snowplow trucks that are essential to winter maintenance operations. The vehicle replacements are for single-axle standard dump trucks integral to snow and ice removal, but also complete other vital tasks such as road paving, leaf hauling operations, and other various functions. The trucks scheduled for replacement will have served the planned useful life by the time the replacement occurs. 
If ordered within the next few weeks, the snowplow truck replacements are estimated to be delivered before the 2025-2026 winter season. If the Village chooses to pass on this opportunity, Staff will monitor future order bank opportunities. However, it is not known when order banks will open as they have been extremely sporadic.

Competitive pricing is available through the Sourcewell cooperative purchasing program to purchase the cabs and chassis and necessary snowplow equipment for upfitting. Sourcewell (formerly NJPA) is a joint purchasing cooperative that uses multiple government agencies and collaborative purchasing to obtain more competitive bid pricing. 

The cost for three cabs and chassis is $424,994.79, and upfitting the three cabs and chassis with equipment is $502,269. The total cost for three upfitted snowplow trucks is $927,263.79, which is $5,639.21 under the projected funding in the 2025 Capital Improvement Plan. 

This purchase will obligate future funds, and therefore will need a budget amendment. Attached is a budget amendment ordinance prepared by Finance amending the Public Works 2024 Fleet Budget Account #621-9003-550050 (VH9501) in the amount of $927,263.79. Actual payment will not be due until the Village receives the vehicles in 2025.


Funds for this purchase are available in Account No.621-9003-550050 (VH9501).




It is recommended that the Village Board approve the attached budget amendment ordinance and the contract award of three cabs and chassis with equipment for a total cost of $927,263.79 through Peterbilt Illinois of Joliet, Illinois (dba JX Truck Center) and authorize the execution of all necessary documents.


Ordinance - 001 Dump Trucks 5 6 2024Ordinance