Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: LED Street Light Fixtures 2024 - Purchase
Department: Public Works

The Village of Arlington Height's Capital plan includes $64,000 for the conversion of non-efficient lighting to Light Emitting Diodes (LED's) wherever possible. The Village plans to replace all 3,433 street lights over the 8-year program, which began in 2018.


To date, there are 1,062 remaining street lights which need to be converted to LED's, which includes the 250 fixtures to be changed this year. 

The Village developed and advertised a public bid for this year's project. This bid was designed to provide competitive pricing for materials that Staff will install. The 250 street lights proposed for replacement are rated at 250 watts each including a transformer. The proposed lights are only 130 watts each. The Village has submitted the necessary paperwork for ComEd's Efficiency Rebate Program and anticipate a rebate of $41,250 which covers about 65% of the Village's costs.

On April 24, 2024, three bids were publicly opened and read aloud, and the bid results are listed below:




Active Electrical Supply n/a n/a
Graybar Electric $246.50 $61,625
Northwest Electrical Supply $310.39 $64,135
Twin Supplies $275.00 $68,745

The lowest bidder was Graybar Electric of Glendale Heights, IL with a total bid cost of $61,625. Staff has been satisfied with past purchases through Graybar Electric and their bid meets specifications. 

Funding is available in Account No. 401-7101-550300 (ST1901) for this purchase.


It is recommended that the Village Board award the 2024 LED Street Lighting bid to Graybar Electric of Glendale Heights, Illinois, in the amount not-to-exceed $61,625 and authorize the execution of all necessary documents.