Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: 2201 N. Chestnut Ave Townhomes - 2201 N. Chestnut Ave & 315 W. Rand Rd. - PC#23-011
Department: Planning & Community Development Department

Requested Action


1. Preliminary Plat of Subdivision to subdivide the property into two lots.


2. Rezoning of Lot 2 lot from the R-1 District to the R-6 District and Lot 1 from the R-1 District to the B-2 District.


3. Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to classify Lot 1 as Commercial and Lot 2 as Moderate Density Multi-Family.


4. Special Use Permit to allow Minor Auto Repair on Lot 1.


Variations Required from Chapter 28 of the Municipal Code:


1. Section 5.1-6.4a.1, to allow a 19.9’ front yard setback (west) for Lot 2 where code requires a minimum setback of 25’.


2. Section 5.1-6.4a.2, to allow a 17’ side yard setback (north/northeast) for Lot 2 where code requires a minimum setback of 21.3’.


3. Section 5.1-11.3a., to allow a 6.8’ front yard setback (west) for Lot 1 where code requires a minimum setback of 25’.


4. Section 5.1-11.3b, to allow a 20’ side yard setback (southwest) for Lot 1 where code requires a minimum setback of 21.3’.


5. Section 10.2-8, to allow the following: a 22’ wide drive aisle where code requires a 24’ wide minimum width, a 17’ wide drive aisle for 60° angled parking stalls where code requires a 18’ wide minimum width, and a 19’ deep 60° angled parking stall depth where code requires a 20’ minimum depth.


6. Section 6.12-1.3, to waive the requirement to provide a traffic and parking study.


7. Section 6.15-1.2b, to waive the requirement for certain landscape islands on Lot 1.




A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on April 24, 2024 where Commissioner Cherwin moved and Commissioner Jensen seconded:


A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees, approval of PC#23-011, a Preliminary Plat of Subdivision to subdivide the property into two lots; a Rezoning of Lot 2 from the R-1 District to the R-6 District, and Lot 1 from the R-1 District to the B-2 District; an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to classify Lot 1 as Commercial and Lot 2 as Moderate Density Multi-Family; a Special Use Permit to allow Minor Auto Repair on Lot 1; and the following Variations from Chapter 28 of the Municipal Code:


1. Section 5.1-6.4a.1, to allow a 19.9’ front yard setback (west) for Lot 2 where code requires a minimum setback of 25’.


2. Section 5.1-6.4a.2, to allow a 17’ side yard setback (north/northeast) for Lot 2 where code requires a minimum setback of 21.3’.


3. Section 5.1-11.3a., to allow a 6.8’ front yard setback (west) for Lot 1 where code requires a minimum setback of 25’.


4. Section 5.1-11.3b, to allow a 20’ side yard setback (southwest) for Lot 1 where code requires a minimum setback of 21.3’.


5. Section 10.2-8, to allow the following: a 22’ wide drive aisle where code requires a 24’ wide minimum width, a 17’ wide drive aisle for 60° angled parking stalls where code requires a 18’ wide minimum width, and a 19’ deep 60° angled parking stall depth where code requires a 20’ minimum depth.


6. Section 6.12-1.3, to waive the requirement to provide a traffic and parking study.


7. Section 6.15-1.2b, to waive the requirement for certain landscape islands on Lot 1.


This recommendation is subject to the following conditions:


1. Final Plat of Subdivision approval shall be required.


2. The owner of Lot 1 shall abide by the following usage conditions:

a. Should any noise or odor issues arise, which shall be at the discretion of the Village, the petitioner shall be required to work with the Village to address any such issues to the satisfaction of the Village.

b. Inoperable motor vehicle storage shall be prohibited, and no automobiles shall be stored on Lot 1 beyond the time reasonable to complete repairs, which shall be to the discretion of the Village.

c. Exterior work on vehicles, as well as outdoor storage of parts or equipment (tires, oil drums, pallets, car parts, etc.) shall be prohibited.


3. Upon the request of the Village, the petitioner shall implement a reciprocal cross access agreement with the property to the southeast (229 W. Rand Road). Said easement shall grant access through Lot 1 to the property to the southeast, which would only be required if/when the billboard on Lot 1 is removed or Lot 1 is redeveloped, whichever shall come first.


4. The Landscape and Tree Preservation Plan shall be revised to show removal of the 11 trees proposed for preservation within the Chestnut Avenue right-of-way. Parkway trees shall be added within the parkway per Code requirements.


5. As part of Final Plat of Subdivision review, details on the proposed retaining walls (height, materials, color) shall be provided for Village review and approval.


6. As part of Final Plat of Subdivision review, the petitioner must address common maintenance of the shared utility elements between the two lots, to the satisfaction of the Village.


7. An Onsite Utility Maintenance Agreement must be executed prior to building permit issuance.


8. A public sidewalk easement shall be added to the Final Plat of Subdivision to address the portion of public sidewalk that encroaches onto the subject property at the northern corner of the site.


9. Linkage fees in compliance with Article XVII (Inclusionary Housing Ordinance) of Chapter 7 of Village Code, shall be required at time of building permit issuance.


10.A fee in lieu of any stormwater detention required but not provided, shall be required as part of building permit issuance in the amount of $1 per cubic foot of volume required but not provided.


11. IDOT approval shall be required for the proposed modification within the Rand Road right-of-way.


12. The Applicant must comply with all of the requirements set forth in the October 10, 2023 motion of the Village's Design Commission concerning approval of the design for the townhome building.


13. The Applicant must provide all required impact fees in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 29 of the Village Code.


14. The Applicant must comply with all Federal, State, and Village codes, regulations, and policies.



Roll Call Vote:  Commissioners Cherwin, Jensen, Drost, Lorenzini, Sigalos, and Acting Chair Green voted in favor.  Motion carried. 


Staff ReportBoard or Commission Report
PC Minutes 4/24/24 - DRAFTMinutes
DC Minutes - 10/10/23Minutes
DC Staff Report - 10/10/23Minutes
Project NarrativeCorrespondence
Written Justification for VariationsCorrespondence
Plat of SurveyExhibits
Architectural PlansExhibits
Engineering PlansExhibits
Landscape & Tree Preservation PlansExhibits
Photometric PlanExhibits
Preliminary Plat of SubdivisionExhibits
Preliminary Stormwater ReportExhibits
Department Comments - Round 1Exhibits
Department Comments - Round 1 Petitioner ResponseExhibits
Department Comments - Round 2Exhibits
Department Comments - Round 2 Petitioner ResponseExhibits
Department Comments - Round 3Exhibits
Department Comments - Round 3 Petitioner ResponseExhibits