Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Ordinance Communication Staff Budget Amendment
Department: ISD

The attached Ordinance amends the budget to reflect the creation of a new full-time Communications and Events Specialist position.


There has been a dramatic increase in attendance and Staff support required at Special Events since the pandemic as Staff has reprogrammed its concert series and presented new events. In addition, communication demands have increased due to the large number of high-profile projects the Village is now facing, and will continue to face in the foreseeable future.


Due to these factors, this position is necessary to maintain existing service levels for both special events management and communications. Without the new position, both special events management and the Village’s communication efforts would fall below existing levels of service.


With a focus on Village-sponsored events, concerts, and community gatherings, the Communications and Events Specialist will provide on-site support during events, design marketing materials, and assist with securing event sponsors and vendors. They will develop and maintain relationships with community stakeholders, including local businesses, partner organizations and residents with an effort to enhance event participation and community engagement. This position will also perform duties to support the communications and outreach efforts of the Village, including creating original content aligned with the Village's strategic goals and helping to promote department initiatives.


Arlington Heights has a very engaging community and dynamic communication environment and there are increasing demands related to special events coordination and we believe additional resources in this area are required in order to keep our efforts at sustainable levels.   

The attached Ordinance will make funds available for this position in the General Fund Integrated Services Department Budget and in the Arts, Entertainment & Events Fund through fund balance.



It is recommended that the Village Board approve the attached Ordinance amending the annual budget.

Ordinance Communications Specialist Budget AmendmentsAgreement