The Arlington Heights Police Department submitted for, and was awarded, a subaward grant through the Cook County Department of Emergency Management and Regional Security (under the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Homeland Security Grant Program) for the purposes of providing resources to enhance and improve counter-terrorism capabilities in the amount of $100,000.00.
The Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) is designed to assist high-threat, high density urban areas in building, sustaining and delivering capabilities necessary to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond and recover from acts of terrorism, natural threats and hazards. As one of the largest suburban municipalities in Cook County, Arlington Heights maintains significant public and private infrastructure with a heightened risk of exposure to natural or human-caused threats and hazards. Funding assistance under the grant will be utilized towards implementing a volunteer-based community emergency response team, aligning with the National priority of enhancing community preparedness and resilience. Funding through the grant award will assist with acquisition of a special purpose vehicle necessary for transportation of specialized equipment and response by members of the emergency response team to the scene of public safety incidents. Assistance provided by an emergency response team will supplement and support front-line sworn public safety personnel, allowing for enhanced response during time-sensitive incidents and potentially reducing the loss of life and property damage when seconds are critical.
The Arlington Heights Police Department recommends the Village Board approve the resolution and authorize the Village Manager to enter into a subaward agreement with the County of Cook, acting through its Department of Emergency Management and Regional Security, in the amount of $100,000.00 (non-mathcing).