Resolution Approving the Illinois Emergency Management Mutual Aid System Intergovernmental Service Agreement
The Village is a member of a intergovernmental cooperative with other northwest suburban communities called the Joint Emergency Management System (JEMS). It is an optional program through our joint dispatch center. By sharing one emergency management coordinator and staff team each community benefits from the experience of others, saves money, and has increased interoperability with neighbors in terms of responses to natural disasters and training.
The JEMS Board has recommended that each Village also join the Illinois Emergency Management Mutual Aid System. This will allow other emergency management agencies from around the state, like JEMs, to more seamlessly assist one another in the event of a major incident in one of our communities. There is no cost for joining this group, but it provides clear responsibilities in the event of an emergency.
Staff Recommendation:
Approval of A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Mutual Aid Service Agreement to Participate as a Member of the Illinois Emergency Management Mutual Aid System