On April 1, 2024, the Village Board approved Resolution #24-010 authorizing Preliminary Plat of Subdivision approval to consolidate the subject property into one lot. The petitioner has prepared a Final Plat of Subdivision, which contains the necessary signatures as required for Final Plat of Subdivision approval. The Village has reviewed the Final Plat of Subdivision and verified that it is substantially compliant with the preliminary approvals as outlined in Resolution #24-010.
There were several conditions of approval within Resolution #24-010 that needed to be addressed as part of the Final Plat of Subdivision review. A general description of these conditions is outlined below:
• Public Sidewalk Easement (Section 4.B): The Final Plat of Subdivision was required to include a Public Sidewalk Easement for the sidewalks along Arlington Heights Road and Algonquin Road.
o The required easement has been included on the Final Plat.
• Mechanical Screening (Section 4.C): As part of Final Plat of the Subdivision review process, the petitioner was required to provide details on all screening around the mechanical units, for review and approval by the Village.
o Details on the proposed mechanical unit screens were provided and reviewed by the Village. The screens comply with code requirements and include high-quality materials that will complement the materials on the building.
• Plat of Abrogation, Confirmation and Grant of New Easements (Section 5.A): The petitioner is required to provide and execute a Plat of Abrogation and Grant of New Easements, which abrogates existing easements on the site that are obsolete and establishes cross access rights to the Phase 2, 3, and 4 properties located to the south and east.
o This document has been provided and is under final review by the Village. Once the Village has concluded review, the document will be circulated for signature and provided to Village Board for approval of the Final Plat. The Village will record this document along with the Final Plat of Subdivision.
The final engineering plans show that certain private utilities will encroach off of the subject property and onto land that is part of the Guitar Center property (Phase 3) to the south. In March of this year, the petitioner finalized purchase of the Guitar Center lot and has drafted a separate document granting the necessary easements for these private utilities. The Village has reviewed this document and its’ recording will be required along with the Final Plat of Subdivision.
The Plan Commission recommends APPROVAL of the Final Plat of Subdivision, subject to the following condition:
1. Prior to Village Board approval of the Final Plat of Subdivision, the petitioner shall execute and provide to the Village for recording a separate document establishing private utility easements for utilities that fall beyond the boundaries of the subject property and are outside of the public right-of-way, as applicable.