Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Euclid Avenue Resurfacing - Phase II Engineering Design Services
Department: Public Works & Engineering

On October 12, 2022, the Euclid Avenue Resurfacing project was approved for $3,500,000 in funding for Phase III construction from the Northwest Municipal Conference. This represents the maximum amount awarded by the Conference. The project consists of the resurfacing of Euclid Avenue from Rohlwing Road to Rand Road, the full replacement of the existing traffic signal located at the intersection of Euclid Avenue and New Wilke Road, and the resurfacing of the bike path along Euclid’s south side between New Wilke Road and Salt Creek Road. The road sections of Euclid Avenue from Rohlwing Road to Walnut Avenue, and from Waterman Avenue to Rand Road are under the jurisdiction of the Cook County Department of Transportation & Highways (CCDOTH) who will be a funding partner with the Village on this project. 


The contract with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) for the Phase I Project Study Report was approved by the Village Board on June 20, 2023. That report has been completed and submitted to IDOT. CBBEL provided the attached proposal in the amount of $325,518 for Phase II Engineering Design Services. Construction is targeted for 2025.  Estimate for Construction is $5.88 M.


The requested action would authorize the approval of the proposal provided by Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) for the Euclid Avenue Resurfacing – Phase II Engineering Design Services.


The current budget includes sufficient funding in Account No. 401-7101-550300 (ST-2304) for this project.


The Cook County Department of Transportation & Highways will reimburse the Village for approximately 60% of the local share of the project, and 100% of the cost of the replacement of the traffic signal at New Wilke Road and Euclid Avenue. The City of Rolling Meadows has agreed to reimburse the Village 100% of the cost of the resurfacing of the existing bike path. A similar arrangement was formalized through intergovernmental agreements for Phase I. IGAs for this Phase II cost-sharing will be forthcoming to the Village Board for approval. As the lead agency, Phase II Engineering expenses will be incurred by the Village and billed out to our partnering agencies.


It is recommended that the Village Board award a contract for the Euclid Avenue Resurfacing – Phase II Engineering Design Services to Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. of Rosemont, Illinois, for the not-to-exceed cost of $325,518 and authorize the Village Manager to execute the necessary documents.

Euclid Avenue Scope of Services 5 16 2024Exhibits