Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Pop Factory Historical Building - Front Facade Masonry Restoration - Award
Department: Public Works

The 2024 Capital Improvement Program includes $70,000 to restore the front facade of the Pop Factory facility located on the Historical Museums campus. The Pop Factory serves as the Museum Welcome Center and is under the combined jurisdiction of the Village of Arlington Heights, The Arlington Heights Park District, and the Arlington Heights Historical Society. 

As part of the Public Works staff included masonry improvements to address aging areas on the front facade of the Pop Factory. Staff observed deteriorating mortar joints that require tuckpointing and cracked bricks that need replacement. Due to sensitivities surrounding the historical preservation of this facility, Public Works publicly advertised a Request for Proposal for tuckpointing work, which defined the scope of the project, which includes all grinding and pointing, brick replacement where needed, and cleaning and sealing of the front facade masonry.  

Public Works staff evaluated the Requests for Proposals, considering four key categories: Project Approach, Experience in Historical Masonry Restoration, References, and Total Cost. After hosting a mandatory walkthrough at the Pop Factory, Public Works staff received three proposals by the April 22, 2024, due date. 

Contractor  Proposed Price  

Futurity19 $41,500 
All Masonry Construction Co $111,000 
Berglund Construction Company $129,590 

Public Works staff thoroughly reviewed all proposals and determined that Futurity19 was the lowest responsible qualified proposal received. In addition, Futurity19 has worked on several projects for the Village in the past, and Public Works staff has been satisfied with the quality of the work performed. Staff confirmed that the pricing differential between bids was primarily due to contractor schedules and equipment availability during the time specified requirements for the project. 

Funding is available in Account No. 401-7101-550200 (BL9604). 


It is recommended that the Village Board authorize the expenditure of $41,500 to Futurity19 of Hinsdale, Illinois, for the masonry restoration of the front facade at the Pop Factory and authorize the Village Manager to execute all necessary documents.