Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: HANA Neighborhood Signage and Traffic Flow Improvement - Ordinance
Department: Public Works & Engineering

The Village of Arlington Heights Public Works & Engineering Department has received numerous requests for signage and traffic flow improvements for various intersections within the Hana Neighborhood. The Hana Neighborhood is defined as the area bordered by Euclid Avenue to the south, W Oakton Street to the north, N Arlington Heights Road to the east, and N Ridge Avenue to the west.


In order to provide a holistic approach, staff reviewed crash data, traffic counts, and existing signage for the entire Hana Neighborhood. Public consultation for the project took place between March 22nd and April 19th, 2024, through letters to the affected 560 residents, the Village website, and social media channels. Residents were presented with the proposed project and asked to provide comments. A total of 57 comments were received. After evaluating the comments and signage warrants, staff prepared a project proposal that includes implementing changes at 15 of the 62 intersections within the area.


These include:


  • N Walnut Avenue & W Willow Street - Change from uncontrolled intersection to ONE-WAY STOP CONTROL.
  • N Mitchell Avenue & W Willow Street - Change from uncontrolled intersection to TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL.
  • N Chestnut Avenue & W Willow Street - Change from uncontrolled intersection to TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL.
  • N Vail Avenue & W Willow Street - Existing YIELD signs will be replaced with STOP signs.
  • N Evergreen Avenue & W Willow Street - Existing YIELD signs will be replaced with STOP signs.
  • N Mitchell Avenue & W Elm Street - Existing YIELD signs will be replaced with STOP signs.
  • N Dunton Avenue & W Elm Street - Change from ONE-WAY STOP CONTROL INTERSECTION to ALL- WAY STOP CONTROL.
  • N Mitchell Avenue & W Vine Street - Change from uncontrolled intersection to TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL.
  • N Chestnut Avenue & W Vine Street - Existing YIELD signs will be replaced with STOP signs
  • N Vail Avenue & W Vine Street - Change from uncontrolled intersection to TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL.
  • N Walnut Avenue & W Hawthorne Street - Existing YIELD signs will be replaced with STOP signs.
  • N Mitchell Avenue & W Hawthorne Street- Change from uncontrolled intersection to ONE-WAY STOP CONTROL.  
  • N Chestnut Avenue & W Hawthorne Street – Existing ONE WAY STOP CONTROL to be converted to ALL WAY STOP CONTROL intersection.
  • N Dunton Avenue & W Hawthorne Street – Existing ONE WAY STOP CONTROL to be converted to ALL WAY STOP CONTROL intersection.
  • N Evergreen Avenue & E Hawthorne Street - Change from uncontrolled intersection to ONE-WAY STOP CONTROL.


The proposed changes will improve safety at these intersections and create a more consistent and intuitive traffic pattern within the neighborhood for drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians.


If the proposed changes are approved, once installed, new signs will have flags added, alerting drivers to these new traffic control changes. Additionally, the Police Department will be present in the neighborhood during morning and afternoon rush hours to monitor driver and pedestrian behaviors.




It is recommended that the Village Board approve the Ordinance Designating Stop Signs on the above intersections and authorize the Village Manager to execute the necessary documents.

HANA Neighborhood Signage and Traffic Flow Improvement - OrdinanceOrdinance
HANA Neighborhood Signage and Traffic Flow Improvement - Ordinance MapOrdinance