The Village of Arlington Heights presents a popular Sounds of Summer concert series on Thursday nights in the downtown. Attendance has increased over the past few years and often the public is looking for available bathrooms. New this year the Village has added porta-potties for use during the concert evenings and these are located inside the Vail garage.
As an added convenience to the public during the Village hosted Thursday evening concerts, the entry doors to the 6 S. Vail Ave, belonging to the Metropolis-Hagenbring Condominium Association, will remain unlocked in order to permit public use of the bathrooms inside the building.
The attached resolution and letter agreement sets forth the conditions the Village will agree to in exchange for the entry doors remaining unlocked and for public access to the Association’s first-floor bathrooms.
It is recommended that the Village Board approve the attached Resolution approving a letter agreement with Metropolis-Hagenbring Condominium Association for Access to bathrooms during Sounds of Summer Concerts and authorize the Village Manager to execute necessary documents.