Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Equipment Rental - Track Mounted Excavators Contract Extension 2024
Department: Public Works

The Public Works Department has maintained contractual services for additional equipment and equipment with operator, that the Village does not own. This contract is utilized on an as needed basis for scheduled field maintenance and emergency underground utility repairs. 


On July 15, 2021, the Village Board approved a three-year contract with three possible one-year extensions, for small and medium sized track mounted excavators. The two low bidders, Altorfer Cat, and LoVerde have had satisfactory performance within contract terms over the three years.  This would be the first of three possible one-year contract extensions.


The contract included unit pricing for mobilization, equipment rental, and equipment rental with a qualified operator of small and medium sized tracked excavators. The pricing is fixed for one year, with an escalator equal to one half the Consumer Price Index of the Chicago-Gary-Kenosha area if requested by the contractor.


Funds for these services are available in Account No.505-7201-521360.  




It is recommended that the Village Board award a one-year contract extension to Altorfer Cat of Addison, Illinois, per original contract terms, and to LoVerde Construction of Wheeling, Illinois per original contract terms, based on unit prices, up to the budgeted amount. It is also recommended to authorize the Village Manager to execute the necessary documents.