The Village of Arlington Heights has been selected as a recipient of grant funding through the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority’s (ICJIA) Community-Law Enforcement Partnership Deflection Program. The amount of the grant is $149,199.00.
Pursuant to the Agreement, it is required that the funds be used solely for the purpose of the Village’s current deflection program, the Community Addiction and Recovery Effort (CARE). Program elements include the provision of co-coordinator positions, marketing and public awareness, initial intake and emergency treatment from a medical provider. The Village plans to execute these elements by contracting with current CARE partners or other qualified entities that have extensive knowledge of the Village’s program and the overall landscape of the substance misuse environment.
The grant award term is based on the State’s fiscal year (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025). The grant period ends June 30, 2025. This requires a concurrent ordinance requesting an amendment to the 2024 Budget to expend roughly half of these funds in the current FY24 Operating Budget. The remaining grant balance will be identified in the preparation of the Police Department's FY25 Budget submission.
It is recommended that the Village Board approve the attached Resolution Accepting an Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority Grant in the amount of $149,254 for the Village of Arlington Heights’ CARE Program and authorize the Village Manager to enter into an agreement with the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority – State of Illinois.