The 2024 Operating budget includes $60,700 for contractual cleaning of the stairwells and elevators in the Village-owned parking garages. The Village owns and maintains four parking garages located in the Downtown. The contract specifies twice-a-day cleaning.
On August 3, 2021, the Village Board awarded a three-year contract for Municipal Garage Elevator & Stairwell Cleaning to Eco Clean Maintenance of Elmhurst, Illinois. Staff has been satisfied Eco-Clean Maintenance's work performance and recommends the first of three possible one-year contract extensions.
Funds for these services are available in the following Account Numbers:
235-7301-521110 (Municipal Garage), 235-7302-521110 (Vail Garage), 235-7303-521110 (North Garage), and 235-7304-521110 (Evergreen Garage).
It is recommended that the Village Board approve a one-year contract extension for Municipal Garage Elevator & Stairwell cleaning to Eco-Clean Maintenance of Elmhurst, Illinois, up to the budgeted amount and authorize the Village Manager to execute the necessary documents.