The replacement of a Flusher truck (Unit #129) in the Sewer Unit is programmed for FY2015. The Flusher truck is one of the most heavily used pieces of equipment in the Sewer fleet. The Flusher truck is used daily when weather permits, to proactively clean storm and sanitary lines throughout the Village. Staff annually cleans 860,000 linear feet of sewer and completes cleaning the entire sanitary system every one to two years.
National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) is a joint purchasing cooperative that is similar to the Northwest Municipal Conference and offers a bidding service to local agencies. Vactor has won the NJPA Contract and offers the 2014 Vactor Ramjet through the local vendor Standard Equipment Company, Chicago, IL at a price of $232,067.
In conjunction with their cost proposal, Standard Equipment is offering a $15,000 trade-in on our current Flusher truck. With the trade-in discount, the total budget impact of the proposed Flusher truck is $217,067. Although this amount is slightly over budget, there are sufficient funds in the Water and Sewer Vehicle Equipment Fund to cover the overage.
Staff is proposing to put the current Flusher truck up for online auction with a reserve of $15,000. Standard Equipment has agreed to allow for additional time for the Village to try to sell the unit. If the unit does not sell online, Staff will then trade-in the Flusher truck to Standard Equipment. The total budget expenditure will be $217,067 but we may sell the old unit independently of the new purchase. Therefore, Staff is requesting authorization for the full purchase price.
It is recommended that the Village Board approve the purchase of a 2014 Vactor Ramjet Flusher Truck to Standard Truck Company of Chicago, Illinois for an amount not-to-exceed $232,067.