Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Village Hall Carpeting - Award and Resolution
Department: Public Works & Engineering

The 2024 Capital Improvement Plan allocates $143,200 for carpet replacement at Village Hall. The carpet in the common areas of the Village Hall has been in place for 16 years and has reached a point where signs of wear, stains, and fading are becoming more evident. Regular maintenance and spot treatments have been insufficient to restore the carpet to an acceptable condition. Public Works staff now recommends replacing carpeting throughout Village Hall to improve the visual appearance and eliminate any potential safety issues as the existing carpets continue degrading due to daily use. 

Public Works staff proposes a phased approach to carpet installation at Village Hall, starting with the common area public walkways on levels two and three and the elevator vestibules. Once completed, Public Works staff will plan for future phases of carpet installation in individual departments and public meeting rooms.

Public Works staff leveraged competitive pricing through the Sourcewell cooperative purchasing program for this carpet installation project. Sourcewell (formerly NJPA) is a joint purchasing cooperative similar to Northwest Municipal Conference (NWMC) that uses multiple government agencies and collaborative purchasing to obtain more competitive bid pricing.  

The total cost of the removal and installation of carpet at Village Hall is $67,450.64 and is $75,749.36 under the 2024 capital funding allocation. Midway Flooring of Woodridge, Illinois, holds the Sourcewell bid award for carpet installation work. Public Works staff worked most recently with Midway Flooring during the Senior Center flooring project one year ago and were satisfied with the outcome and the contractor's professionalism throughout the months-long project. Public Works staff has no reservations about working with this contractor for this proposed project. 

Public Works staff would also like to draw special attention to the materials selected for the carpet replacement project and the fact that this improvement aligns with the Village's approach to sustainability. The new carpet being installed meets five critical sustainability categories: material health, product circularity, clean air and climate protection, water and soil stewardship, and social fairness. Further, the new carpet has been rated "Green Label Plus", meaning the carpet and adhesive products have received the highest indoor air quality standards rating in the carpet industry. 

Funds are available in the 2024 Capital Improvement Plan, Account No. 401-7101-550200 BL9505. 

Public Works staff recommends awarding the Village Hall carpet and removal project to Midway Flooring of Woodridge, Illinois, as authorized in the attached resolution. 


Resolution - Carpeting at Village Hall and ContractResolution