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The Fire Department currently utilizes Stryker Lifepak15 cardiac monitors for diagnostic cardiac assessment for medical emergencies. These monitors have integrated software that allows paramedics to diagnose cardiac conditions, analyze the treatment rendered and collect relevant data. All of these features are mandated through our membership in the Region 9 EMS system, a data-driven medical authority that continuously monitors, collects and analyzes data to determine the effectiveness of current treatment protocols and updates those protocols as needed. Our current units have exceeded their useful life per FDA standards and are no longer supported by the manufacturer. Repair parts have been scarce for years as customers have awaited a replacement model.
Stryker Medical has just released the new Lifepak35, the cardiac monitor which will replace the Lifepak15’s currently in use. The Lifepak35 is lighter, uses touchscreen technology, and has a longer battery life. This new model expands our abilities to track and monitor our care while providing additional features that allow for more diagnostic testing and analysis in the field, directly impacting patient care.
The Fire Department has standardized on Stryker Medical equipment. This not only ensures compatibility between older and newer versions of equipment, but the Lifepak monitors offer interoperability with other Stryker EMS equipment carried by AHFD vehicles including the LUCAS Device (mechanical CPR device). Stryker Medical is the manufacturer and sole distributor of the Lifepak35.
The Fire Department is requesting approval to purchase 10 cardiac monitors to replace current units that are at the end of their life cycle. The price for each unit with all needed accessories is $58,782.86 for a total cost of $587,828.64. This price includes a trade-in allowance for our current Lifepak 15 units in the amount of $45,000.
It is recommended that the Fire Department seek Village Board approval to waive the competitive bidding process and authorize the purchase of 10 Lifepak35 cardiac monitors from Stryker Medical of Kalamazoo, MI in the amount of $587,828.64 from the Capital Projects Fund. Sufficient funding is available for this purchase in the Capital Projects Fund, Account No. 401-3501-550150.
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