As part of the 2024 budget, funds were budgeted for phase one engineering for the
Vail Avenue Promenade. On July 10th, 2023 a presentation was made to the Committee-of-the-Whole regarding downtown development and entertainment district streetscape as well as pedestrian plan enhancements. The purpose of the report and presentation was to focus on amenities that the Village of Arlington Heights could implement to the urban fabric, as well as, touching upon some potential redevelopment opportunities which include the Vail Avenue/Permeable Paver/Streetscape and Pedestrian Plan.
Improvements for the Vail Promenade are anticipated to generally include creating a paver street area utilizing permeable pavers, traffic calming features, streetscape elements including enhanced pedestrian amenities and landscaping enhancements, lighting improvements, gateway features, drainage improvements, and implementation of green infrastructure elements. The purpose of the phase one engineering is to assist with moving the Vail Promenade project forward and to improve the chances of obtaining grant funds for the project. The Department of Planning and Community Development issued a Request for Qualifications pursuant to the Village’s Qualifications Based Selection Policy in order to obtain information about potential engineering firms. A review team was formed that was comprised of representatives from Public Works and the Department of Planning and Community Development. The Village received responses from the following firms:
· V3, Woodridge, IL
· Terra Engineering, Chicago, IL
· Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Rosemont, IL
· Kimley Horn, Deerfield, IL
· Transystems, Schaumburg, IL
The team reviewed the responses and interviews were conducted with three firms. After the interviews were completed, the review team chose V3 to request a scope of services along with pricing.
The study would be funded by the Road Projects fund as part of the Capital Project Funds.
Available Funds FY 2024
401-4001-550300- Road Projects
(Vail Avenue Permeable Paver Preliminary Engineering ST2001) - $200,000
V3’s Response
V3 Engineering - $188,506 (not to exceed)
As part of the phase one engineering, the consultant will attend all appropriate meetings with other agencies involved to ensure project coordination with the appropriate Boards and Commission as well as the pubic and the business community. The scope and fee reflect the necessary tasks to deliver a Project Development Report (PDR) for approval by IDOT. The end result of the phase one engineering will consist of a plan that will act as a tool to assist with obtaining grant funds. V3 has successfully completed similar projects for other municipalities and has done satisfactory work for
the Village in the past.
It is recommended that the Village Board authorize the Village Manager to execute a contract with V3 for phase one engineering services for the Vail Promenade project for the amount of $188,506 to be funded from 401-7101-550300- Road Projects.