Requested Action
1. Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to reclassify certain portions of the subject property from the Commercial, Moderate Density Multi-Family, and Single Family Detached classifications to the Parks classification;
2. Rezoning from the R-6, Multiple-Family Dwelling District, B-3, General Service, Wholesale and Motor Vehicle District, and the M-2, Limited Heavy Manufacturing District to the P-L, Public Land District for certain portions of the subject property;
3. Planned Unit Development for three-phases of park and public improvements on the subject property; and
4. Special Use Permit for Facilities Owned and Operated by the Village of Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights Memorial Library & branches thereof, and the Arlington Heights Park District on the subject property.
Variations Required
1. Variation to Section 6.12-1.3, to waive the requirement for a traffic and parking study;
2. Variation to Section 6.13-3.b, to increase the fence height from 6-feet to 10-feet around the tennis courts;
3. Variation to Section 6.5-2, to permit the tennis courts, which is considered an accessory structure, to be located within the required side yard of the site;
4. Variance to Section 6.5-2 to allow 12 accessory structures on the subject zoning lot, where four accessory structures on a zoning lot that is 10,000 square-feet or larger is permitted; and,
5. Variation to Section 10.2-12.3.c, to permit a light pole at 50-feet instead of the maximum of 40-feet.
A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on 7/10/24 where Commissioner Lorenzini moved and Commissioner Green:
A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees, approval of PC#24-007, an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to reclassify certain portions of the subject property from the Commercial Moderate Density Multi-Family and Single-Family Detached classifications to the Parks classification; Rezoning from the R-6 Multiple-Family Dwelling District, B-3 General Service, Wholesale and Motor Vehicle District, and the M-2 Limited Heavy Manufacturing District to the P-L Public Land District for certain portions of the subject property; Planned Unit Development for three phases of park and public improvements on the subject property; and Special Use Permit for facilities owned and operated by the Village of Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights Memorial Library and branches thereof, and the Arlington Heights Park District on the subject property.
This recommendation is subject to the following variations:
1. Variation to Section 6.12-1.3, to waive the requirement for a traffic and parking study;
2. Variation to Section 6.13-3.B, to increase the fence height from six feet to 10 feet around the tennis courts;
3. Variation to Section 6.5-2, to permit the tennis courts, which is considered an accessory structure, to be located within the required side yard of the site;
4. Variance to Section 6.5-2 to allow 12 accessory structures on the subject zoning lot, where four accessory structures on a zoning lot that is 10,000 square-feet or larger is permitted; and,
5. Variation to Section 10.2-12.3.c, to permit a light pole at 50-feet instead of the maximum of 40-feet.
This recommendation is subject to the following conditions as recommended by Plan Commission and the Staff Development Committee:
BOLD GREEN is newly proposed text, RED STRIKETHROUGH text is to be eliminated per Staff Development Committee recommendation.
1. Petitioner shall design all light fixtures within the park to be on a timer and turned off and unable to be turned on when Recreation Park is closed except for security lighting.
2. At such a time that the Utility Easement is no longer needed by Commonwealth Edison Company, within the existing Haddow Alley public right-of-way, the existing utilities shall be relocated, buried, or removed and the Utility Easement shall be vacated by the property owner.
3. Petitioner shall grant all easements required by the Village prior to the petitioner being heard by the Village Board October 8, 2024.
4. The Haddow Alley right-of-way shall be vacated prior to the petition being heard by the Village Board. receiving final approval by the Village Board.
5. The closure of all curb cuts on East Northwest Highway shall be completed with all Phase I improvements.
6. The improvements to the sidewalk along East Northwest Highway as shown on the Recreation Park – Phase 1 Plan prepared by Hitchcock Design Group with revision date 6/27/2024 shall be installed after the demolition per Phase IA or within one year of approved demolition permits for 500 & 506 East Northwest Highway, whichever is sooner.
7. The sidewalk improvements along East Northwest Highway shall be 8-foot wide and concrete.
8. The petitioner shall comply with all Federal, State, and Village Codes, Regulations, and Policies.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Ennes, Green, Jensen, Lorenzini, Sigalos, Warskow, and Chair Cherwin voted in favor. Motion carried.