Every year, Public Works contracts for roadway patching work due to utility repairs and other miscellaneous needs. This contracted work enables the Street Unit of Public Works to extend their capabilities for more comprehensive work such as the road edging program. The patching work is typically done in two phases, spring and summer. This year, a third phase is needed to address roadway failures throughout town. Bids for asphalt restoration were publicly opened for two phases on April 23, 2014. Four bids were received and Schroeder Asphalt was the lowest responsible. The bid award was made to Schroeder Asphalt at the May 19, 2014 Board meeting. Schroeder Asphalt has satisfactorily completed the two phases of roadway patching last year and this year.
Staff is requesting authorization to extend the current contract with Schroeder Asphalt for a third phase of roadway patching this year in the amount of $29,998, bringing the contract total to $354,998. There are sufficient funds in the budget for this increase in account 101-7101-531-2115. This amount is based upon calculated unit prices from the approved contract with Schroeder Asphalt.
It is recommended that the Village Board increase the contract for Asphalt Restoration Services to Schroeder Asphalt, Huntley IL for their calculated bid price of $29,998 for a contract total of $354,998.