The Public Works Water Production Unit monitors critical facilities that include potable water pump stations, storm and sewage lift stations, parking garages, weather stations, and detention basin levels throughout the Village. The computer system that is used to monitor these locations is called a “Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition” system (“SCADA”).
The software platform for our SCADA system is from General Electric. There is only one company authorized to sell it in the Chicagoland municipal market. The company is Integrated Network Solutions (INS) of Arlington Heights, Illinois.
Both support and upgrades for our SCADA software are necessary, as computer operating and security systems continue to improve. Other components of the software support include the historical database that stores all the data from the stations our SCADA system monitors. The cost for the software support and licensing for our entire SCADA computer platform from INS is $29,526.04. There is $20,000 available from the amount budgeted for SCADA support. The remaining amount is available from the pump station maintenance account. This will make our system current and all future support will be budgeted at approximately $7,500 per year.