Item Coversheet

Item: Professional Engineering Design Services for Parking Garage Rehabilitation
Department: Public Works



The Village owns and operates four parking garages.  On September 17, 2013, the Village Board awarded a contract to Walker Restoration Consultants (Walker) to perform assessments of all four parking garages at a cost-not-to-exceed $25,270.


The assessment provided a detailed report of exactly what work needs to be done to improve the longevity of the garages.  The assessment revealed that approximately $2.3 million was needed over the next three years to complete the specified work.  The next phase of the project is to prepare design plans for the first year of construction.


Walker is recommending that the Municipal Garage (Village Hall) rehabilitation work be performed as soon as possible.  This recommendation is based on the fact that the post-tension cables in the garage slabs are still in good condition, but the chloride ion (salt) penetration in the slabs is nearing the depth of the cables.  It is therefore imperative that these slabs be coated as soon as possible.


At the request of Staff, Walker provided a proposal for design services only, at a cost-not-to-exceed $56,800. This cost does not include construction management fees and is based on an estimated construction cost of $750,000.  At the present time, total engineering services (design and construction management) are generally running 12% to 15% of construction costs. Walker’s design fee is 7.6% of the estimated construction cost, which is very competitive, as construction management fees for this type of work generally run at a rate of around 3% to 4%  


Staff has been impressed with the level of detail and understanding of parking garage construction shown by Walker Restoration during the assessment phase of the project. Walker’s familiarity with the garages and needed repairs will be helpful in ensuring continuity and accountability as the work progresses.  Additionally, it is preferable to bid construction in January, so as to secure multiple bids and off-season pricing. As such, it is critical to initiate plan and specification development as soon as possible.  Because Walker established the scope of work as part of the assessments, they will be able to move forward immediately. While it is possible that another company could provide and bid design plans using Walker’s report, Staff believes utilizing Walker is the most prudent approach. Professional services such as this are not required to be bid out.      


Staff recommends the hiring of Walker Restoration based on their proposed fee, ability to begin design immediately, and Walker’s proven track record.  Funds for the design work are available in this year’s budget and no construction expenditures will accrue before May 1, 2015.   




It is recommended that the Village Board award a contract for Professional Engineering Design Services for Parking Garage Rehabilitation to Walker Restoration Consultants in an amount not-to-exceed $56,800.   Funds for this work are budgeted in Account No. 235-7101-571.50-25.

Bid Section

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Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
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