Item Coversheet

Item: Aurelio's Pizza - 2944 W. Euclid Ave. - PC#14-021
Department: Planning & Community Development


A Special Use to allow a 5,075 square foot sit-down restaurant that has a total indoor seating area of 1,954 square feet and (indoor) seating capacity of 183 seats and an outdoor seating area of 400 square feet and (outdoor) seating capacity of 25 seats.   


Variations Identified

1.  Chapter 28, Section 6.12-1(2)(a) from the requirement to provide a traffic study and parking analysis prepared by a qualified professional engineer.




A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on November 12, 2014 where Commissioner Green moved and Commissioner Sigalos seconded:


A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees approval of PC#14-021, a Special Use to allow a 5,075 square-foot sit-down restaurant that has a total indoor seating area of 1,954 square feet and  indoor seating capacity of 183 seats, and an outdoor seating area of 400 square feet and outdoor seating capacity of 25 seats; a Variation from Chapter 28, Section 6.12-1(2)(A) from the requirement to provide a traffic study and parking analysis prepared by a qualified professional engineer.   

This approval is contingent upon compliance with the recommendations of the Plan Commission and the following recommendations detailed in the Staff Development Committee report dated November 6, 2014:   

1. Seating area shall be limited to 1,954 square feet (indoors) with 183 seats, and 400 square feet (outdoors) with 25 seats maximum. 

2. Staff does not support the installation of the 15 parking spaces that are located just north of the drive-through lane and the garbage enclosure, as that would require the removal of existing mature landscaping. 

3. The proposed parking shall be installed prior to final occupancy being granted for the restaurant.  The proposed parking must meet all ordinance requirements such as landscaping. 

4. The Applicant shall provide a tree survey and preservation plan and work with Staff to determine the replacement ratio at building permit. 

5. As part of the permit application, the Applicant will provide calculations to show the additional volume of required detention that will be generated by additional parking spaces.  The existing site was permitted under MWRD Permit #08-076.  The calculations for the existing site should be reviewed by the engineer and any modification to the MWRD permit shall be coordinated with the MWRD through the Village's Engineering Department. 

6. The Petitioner shall comply with all federal, state and Village codes, regulations and policies.

Roll Call Vote:  Commissioner Green, Sigalos, Drost, Ennes, Jensen, Cherwin, and Chairman Lorenzini voted in favor.  Motion carried.

Bid Section

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Staff ReportReport
Location MapExhibits
PC Minutes 11/12/14 DRAFTMinutes
Plat of SurveyExhibits
Center PlanExhibits
Floor PlanExhibits
Future Parking PlanExhibits
Special Use JustificationCorrespondence
Market StudyCorrespondence
PC Timeline TrackerCorrespondence