Requested Action:
Preliminary Plat of Subdivision to re-subdivide eight, substandard platted parcels, into six single family lots and one lot for detention.
Variations Identified:
1. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-2.5, Minimum Lot Size, from the requirement that corner lots in the R-2 district are required to be 10,000 SF to allow Outlot A, Detention Facility to be 8,782 SF.
2. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-2.6, Minimum Lot Width at Building Line, from the requirement that corner lots in the R-2 district are required to be 90 FT to allow Outlot A, Detention Facility to be 76.32 FT.
3. Chapter 29, Section 29-307, Residential Lot Standards, from the requirement that corner lots be 9,900 SF to allow Outlot A, Detention Facility to be 8,782 SF.
4. Chapter 29, Section 29-307, Residential Lot Standards, from the requirement that the minimum lot width for corner lots be 90 FT at the building setback line to allow Outlot A, Detention Facility to be 76.32 FT.
A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on November 12, 2014 where Commissioner Ennes moved and Commissioner Green seconded:
A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees approval of PC#14-019, a Preliminary Plat of Subdivision to re-subdivide eight substandard platted parcels into six single-family lots and one lot for detention, and the following variations:
a. Variation from Chapter 28, Section 5.1-2.5, Minimum Lot Size, from the requirement that corner lots in the R-2 District are required to be 10,000 square feet to allow Outlot A, detention facility to be 8,782 square feet;
b. Variation from Chapter 28, Section 5.1-2.6, Minimum Lot Width at Building Line, from the requirement that corner lots in the R-2 District are required to be 90 feet to allow Outlot A, detention facility to be 76.32 feet;
c. Variation from Chapter 29, Section 29-307, Residential Lot Standards, from the requirement that corner lots be 9,900 square feet to allow Outlot A, detention facility to be 8,782 square feet;
d. Variation from Chapter 29, Section 29-307, Residential Lot Standards, from the requirement that the minimum lot width for corner lots be 90 feet at the building setback line to allow Outlot A, detention facility to be 76.32 feet; and
e. Variation from Chapter 29, Section 304, Street Layout and Design, from the requirement that cul de sacs shall be provided at the closed end with a turnaround.
This approval is contingent upon compliance with the recommendations of the Plan Commission and the following recommendations detailed in the Staff Development Committee report dated November 6, 2014:
1. The Petitioner shall provide a revised Preliminary Plat of Subdivision document incorporating the changes in reference to the Kennicott Street right of way and the tree preservation related issues prior to the submittal of the project to the Village Board.
2. The Petitioner shall continue to work with Staff to preserve as many trees as possible on the site.
3. The Petitioner shall comply with all federal, state and Village codes, regulations and policies.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Cherwin, Drost, Ennes, Green, Jensen, Sigalos and Commissioner Lorenzini voted in favor. Motion carried.
Commissioner Drost Comment: I guess I'm not as concerned about aesthetics. I think it's going to be market that will control how the detention lot is going to be developed and how the homes are going to be developed, but that the individual testimony that was provided by the residents and their concerns, that they be used in the development of these three remaining conditions.
Commissioner Sigalos Comment: Yes, I'm voting yes only on the stipulation that this Kennicott Road issue is developed to the satisfaction of the Engineering Department and the Fire Department, and we don't have any life safety issues there that the Village could be liable for in the future.