Item Coversheet

Item: Leaf Hauling and Disposal 2014
Department: Public Works



The Public Works Department contracts out leaf hauling services procured through our Fall Street Sweeping Program. Bid specifications and plans were prepared and distributed to local solid waste, trucking and landscape firms for Leaf Hauling and Disposal.  The bid was based on a lump sum cost to remove the leaf stockpile as it existed on November 19th, at a bid cost per unit price for any additional accumulated leaves.  Bidders were given the opportunity to view the pile at the Village's Annex facility prior to submitting their bid.  Four bids were received at the November 24th bid opening as shown on the tabulation below.   K-Hoving Companies has successfully performed similar work for the Villages of Glenview, Libertyville and Hoffman Estates and staff believes that they can successfully complete this contract as well.


BIDDER                                                          UNIT PRICE CY     TOTAL BID PRICE


K-Hoving Companies    West Chicago, IL            $  9.00                      $13,500

Land & Lakes     Rosemont, IL                            $ 10.00                     $ 21,000

Waste Management   Lombard, IL                      $ 12.75                     $ 30,500

KLF Enterprises    Markham, IL                           $ 12.14                     $ 49,000




It is recommended that the Village Board award the contract for Leaf Hauling and Disposal to the lowest bidder, K-Hoving Companies of West Chicago, IL for their full bid price of $13,500 and a $9.00/cy cost up to the approved budget.  The bidder has been determined to be responsible and the bid meets specifications.



Bid Section

Item:Leaf Hauling and Disposal 2014
Bid Opening Date:November 24, 2014
Account Numbers:101-7101-531.21-62
Total Budget for Specific Item:$25,000
Bid Amount:$13,500