Item Coversheet

Item: Police Department Uniforms and Equipment
Department: Police Department

The Police Department has 109 police officers and 19 civilians who are required to maintain a uniform and associated personal issue equipment duty-ready. There is a mandated duty uniform standard that includes workmanship and quality designed to convey a professional image and appearance.


The Village advertised and publicly opened all submitted sealed bids for uniforms and personal issue equipment. The bids were for three years. Three bids were received. These bids are based on estimates of what is anticipated to be purchased; actual expenditures will be based on the submitted unit prices:


Ray O'Herron Co., Inc.        $123,456

Kale Uniforms, Inc.              $124,170

VCG Uniforms Co.               $128,667


The current Collective Bargaining Agreement provides that the Village will offer more than one uniform vendor for member officers to acquire authorized clothing and equipment. Therefore, the Department recommends awarding the bid to the two lowest bidders.This provision allows uniformed officers to choose between the authorized vendors' retail establishment for personal fittings or place an order through the Police Department point of contact.


The Village has a long, positive business relationship with Ray O'Herron and Kale Uniforms. 


It is recommended that the Village Board award three year contracts to both Ray O'Herron and Kale Uniforms for the purchase of uniforms and personal issue equipment for the Police Department and authorize execution of appropriate contracts. The prices bid will remain in place for all three years.

Bid Section

Item:Police Department Uniforms and Equipment
Bid Opening Date:October 21, 2014
Account Numbers:Account number: 101-3001-511-3035
Total Budget for Specific Item:$155,200
Bid Amount:Ray O'Herron Co., Inc. $123,456 and Kale Uniforms, Inc. $124,170