Each Arlington Heights Firefighter has custom-fitted turnout gear that is worn when responding to fires and many other emergency calls. The turnout gear is highly specialized and treated to protect Firefighters from heat and products of combustion. Firefighters have been air drying their gear by hanging it in the stations which greatly increases the “down” time before the gear can be put back in service. Tumble drying causes damage to the gear and is not recommended.
Turnout gear is very expensive and, in order to make it last to its full potential, Staff has been researching drying solutions for the specialized gear.
Staff has determined that the UniMac Firefighter’s Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Drying Cabinet would be the best solution. UniMac’s cabinets hold six sets of gear and have space for 15 sets of boots and gloves. Furthermore, the cabinets meet our space requirements, and they meet the specifications of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 1851. The cabinets permit total temperature control so that none of the gear is at risk for damage to the moisture barriers and the delicate internal fabric due to excessive temperatures. The gear is hung in the drying unit; it is not tumbled or agitated, thus preventing any potential damage or degradation to the gear.
Washburn Machinery, Inc. is the sole source provider for the UniMac PPE Drying Cabinet in our area. Washburn is the only certified UniMac distributor for equipment, parts and service in not only the Chicagoland area, but also all of Illinois. We need a local presence so the units can be serviced quickly and on site. The cost for two drying cabinets is $11,500. There is $16,000 budgeted in account 401-3501-572.50-15 EQ9502 for fiscal year 2015 for two turnout gear dryers. It is our intention to provide drying cabinets at each fire station by the end of fiscal year 2016.
It is recommended that the Village Board waive formal bidding procedures and approve the purchase of two UniMac Firefighter’s Personal Protective Equipment Drying Cabinets from Washburn Machinery, Inc. of Elk Grove Village, IL for $11,500. The vendor has been determined to be responsible.