Item Coversheet

Item: Furnishing Fire Line Meters and Associated Parts & Equipment
Department: Public Works


Public Works prepared specifications for the Furnishing of Fire Line Water Meters and Associated Parts & Equipment. Fire line meters and associated equipment will be utilized only as needed for new commercial construction and replacement of existing failed meters. The purchase of meters for new construction is reimbursed through the building permit process.  Funds for the purchase of meters and associated equipment are included in the FY15 approved budget and bids were duly advertised and publicly opened November 24, 2014.


The specifications requested unit pricing for Fire Line Meters of various sizes and associated Itron Radios (remote read). The contract is for three years. The pricing is fixed for one year, with an escalator equal to one half the Consumer Price Index of the Chicago-Gary-Kenosha area if requested by the contractor.


The following bids were received (Water Resources submitted two bids, one for ductile body [lower cost] and one for stainless body meters):


 Fire Line Meters                             Water              Water           Chicago             HBK 

                                                     Resources       Resources       United              Meters

1)  4” Meter                                   $4,890           $5,380           $5,394.24           $4,450

2)  6” Meter                                   $6,680           $7,350           $7,655.76           $6,450

3)  8” Meter                                   $8,880           $9,550           $9,464.40           $8,600

4) 10” Meter                                 $13,575         $14,400         $14,710.08         $13,150




Itron Radio                                         Water              Midwest    Chicago           HBK

                                                        Resources          Meters       United           Meters

5) Itron-100W ERW-1300-213          No Bid               $69.75        $120               $83  

6) Itron-100W ERW-1300-205          No Bid               $69.75        $120               $83 


Both low bidders, Midwest Meter and HBK have been determined to be responsible and their bids meet specifications.  



It is recommended that the Village Board award a three year contract for Furnishing of Fire Line Water Meters and Associated Parts & Equipment for items 1, 2, 3, and 4 to HBK of Palatine, Illinois, who is the lowest responsible unit price bidder for those items.  It is also recommended that the Village Board award a three year contract for Furnishing of Fire Line Water Meters and Associated Parts & Equipment for bid items 5 and 6 to Midwest Meter of Edinburg, Illinois, who is the lowest responsible unit price bidder for those items. All purchases within the FY15 budget year will not exceed a total amount of $100,000.

Bid Section

Item:Furnishing of Fire Line Water Meters and Associated Parts & Equipment
Bid Opening Date:November 24, 2014
Account Numbers:505-7201-561.31-02 (Water & Sewer)
Total Budget for Specific Item:$100,000
Bid Amount:per unit prices