The Fire and Police Commission Examination budget account covers testing for: entry level Police Officers and Firefighters, Promotional Police Sergeant, Promotional Fire Lieutenant and the processing of entry level Police and Fire candidates for polygraph and psychological exams. This line item is budged at $25,900. As a result of a FY14 bill which arrived well into FY15 and was thus paid out of FY15 funds, this account does not have sufficient money for this fiscal year.
Staff recommends that $18,000 be transferred from the Village’s Contingency Account to the Fire and Police Commission Examinations account to pay the $14,580 invoice to Selection Works and the remaining to cover anticipated examinations for the processing of Fire and Police candidates. This amendment should be sufficient to complete the necessary testing for the balance of the fiscal year.
It is recommended, that the Village Board amend the FY15 Fire and Police Commission Examinations account by an increase of $18,000 which will include payment of the $14,580 invoice to Selection Works, LLC, with the funds for this increase being transferred from the Village’s Contingency Account.