Item Coversheet

Item: Parkview Apartments - 212 N. Dunton Ave. - PC#14-013
Department: Planning & Community Development



A Final Planned Unit Development




A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on January 28,, 2015 where Commissioner Ennes moved and Commissioner Warskow seconded:

A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees approval of PC#14-013, a Final Planned Unit Development to allow the construction of a 7-story mixed use building that has a total of 45 residential rental apartment units, 1,314 square feet of commercial retail space on the first floor, and a total of 60 interior parking spaces.    


This approval is contingent upon compliance with the recommendation of the Plan Commission and the follow recommendations detailed in the Staff report dated January 22, 2015:    


The Staff Development Committee has reviewed the Petitioner's request and recommends approval subject to the following additional conditions:      


1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Petitioner shall pay a fee in lieu of onsite detention.  


2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Petitioner shall be required to complete an indemnification agreement to indemnify and hold harmless the Village for the balconies on the north and east facades that overhang above the right-of-way.  


3. In accordance with the Housing Commission motion at their August 8, 2014 meeting, the following shall be applicable:            

a. The 7 affordable units shall be maintained as affordable in perpetuity under the Village's affordable rental housing guidelines.            

b. The affordability requirements of an affordable housing financing program secured for the project (e.g., the low income housing tax credit program), which are consistent with the requirements of the Village's affordable rental housing guidelines, may be temporarily followed with respect to the 7 units during the compliance period of the financing, but at all other times the requirements of the Village's affordable rental housing guidelines shall apply in perpetuity.            

c. Any additional affordable units in the project, beyond the 7 affordable units required, are recommended for approval and shall comply with the affordability requirements associated with the project financing.            

d. The owner or the owner's designee shall be responsible for reporting to the Village on a quarterly basis in compliance with the affordable housing requirements utilizing a form prescribed by the Village of Arlington Heights.            

e. The bedroom mix of the 7 required affordable units shall be provided according to the ratios as proposed by the Petitioner at the July 1, 2014 Housing Commission meeting resulting in 2 one-bedroom units, 4 two-bedroom units, and 1 three-bedroom unit.  Any additional affordable units provided shall also comply as much as practical with the bedroom mix ratios proposed by the Petitioner at the July 1, 2014 Housing Commission meeting, those approximate ratios being 20 percent one-bedroom units, 65 percent two-bedroom units, and 15 percent three-bedroom units.  


4. The plans should ensure the placement of the exhaust venting  is designed in such a manner that it does not impact adjacent residents as well as residents of the new building or potential development to the south. 


5. The Petitioner shall comply with all federal, state, and Village codes, regulations and policies. 


Roll Call Vote: Commissioner Ennes, Warskow, Dawson, Green, Jensen, Sigalos, Cherwin and Chairman Lorenzini voted in favor.  Motion carried.


Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
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Staff ReportReport
Location MapExhibits
PC Minutes 1/28/15 - APPROVEDMinutes
Architectural PlansExhibits
Engineering PlansExhibits
Construction ScheduleExhibits
PC Timeline TrackerCorrespondence