The office furniture in the Fire Department Administrative Conference Room and the Lieutenant’s Office at Station 2 is the original furniture installed 15 years ago. It has been cleaned and repaired many times and can no longer hold up to daily use. The Conference Room furniture is still serviceable and can be repurposed with a move to the Emergency Operations Center where it will replace second-hand furniture in excess of 25 years old. The furniture will be used only occasionally in the EOC and this move will increase its life expectancy. The furniture in the Lieutenant’s office is used on a 24-hour basis, seven days a week and is no longer serviceable. It needs to be replaced and an additional work station added so that this area can be used by Acting Battalion Chiefs in addition to the current use by station Lieutenants and Paramedics.
Henricksen was awarded the original bid for all the office furniture and design concept for Fire Station 2/Headquarters as well as the furniture for Village Hall and Public Works. Using Henricksen as a supplier would insure that the new furniture would be compatible in style and quality to match the existing furniture in the Fire Department.
The new furniture for the Conference Room, a large table, credenza, and ten chairs, plus delivery and installation, would total $9,889.65. Furniture for the Lieutenant’s Office, which includes items to furnish three complete workstations, plus delivery and installation, would total $7,376.32. The total for both areas would be $17,265.97.
It is recommended that the Village Board waive formal bidding procedures and approve the purchase and design of the office furniture for the Fire Department from the original vendor, Henricksen, Inc. in Itasca, Illinois in the amount of $17,265.97. The vendor has been determined to be responsible.