Item Coversheet

Item: Wilke Road / NW Highway Intersection Improvements
Department: Engineering

The proposed project is to upgrade the railroad crossing at Wilke Road, and complete improvements to the intersection of Wilke Road and Northwest Highway (US Route 14).  The project consists of the addition of a right-turn lane on US Route 14, the widening of Wilke Road, and upgrading the traffic signals at the intersection. 


Bids for the following item were duly advertised and publicly opened by the Illinois Department of Transportation on the date indicated:

Project:                  Wilke Road / Northwest Highway Intersection Improvements

IDOT Bid Item No.: 24

IDOT Contract No.: 63865

Bid Opening Date:   March 6, 2015

Account No.:           401-5001-571-50-30   Project # SG-08-02






Project Cost



(not including UP Railroad crossing work)

STATE funding (not to exceed $2,000,000.00)



Federal Funding Approved (80% STU funding)



Balance of construction cost (20% by Village)





Alliance Contractors; Woodstock, IL $2,181,057.05

Berger Excavating; Wauconda, IL $2,790,607.57

R.W. Dunteman; Addison, IL $2,397,426.11

A Lamp Concrete Contractors; Schaumburg, IL $2,897,157.65

M.Q. Construction Co.; Chicago, IL $3,092,650.00

Martam Construction; Elgin, IL $2,877,567.25


Alliance Contractors, Inc. is the low bidder with a total bid of $2,181,057.05. 




The bids received were acccepted by IDOT.  It is therefore recommended that the Village Board concur with IDOT’s acceptance of the low bid by Alliance Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $2,181,057.05. The Village's share is $36,211.41.

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount: