Item Coversheet

Item: Contract Increase - 2014 Resurfacing Program & Sidewalk Program
Department: Engineering

The Public Works Department has received numerous requests to complete repairs in the Regency Neighborhood.  The Pavement Committee inspected the area and agrees that concrete panel replacement is needed. The Engineering Department received competitive bids through the 2014 Resurfacing Program and can complete this work in the spring 2015 under the current contract with Arrow Road. This requires an increase to that contract in the amount of $150,000, which can be paid for from Public Works' Street and Sidewalk Maintenance account.  


The current funding for the 2014 Resurfacing Program is as follows:


Below summarizes the current funding sources, totaling $4,592,362:


Resurfacing Program Acct. # ST9008 401-5001-571.30-30                    $4,100,000

Sidewalk Program Acct. # ST9011 401-5001-571.50-45                         $335,000

Public Works Water & Sewer Acct. # 505-7201-561.21-30                      $45,000

Parking Lot Acct. # ST9011 401-5001-571.50-30                                   $100,000



TOTAL ORIGINAL CONTRACT                                                             $4,531,786.66



The additional funding is as follows:


Street and Sidewalk Maintenance 101-7101-531.21-15                           $150,000

TOTAL REVISED CONTRACT                                                                     $4,681,786.66



It is recommended that the Village Board approve an increase of $150,000 to the contract with Arrow Road to be paid for as set forth above. 

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:
Total Budget for Specific Item:
Bid Amount: