Item Coversheet

Item: Concrete Flatwork
Department: Public Works



The Public Works Department has participated in the Municipal Partnering Initiative (MPI) group bid for Concrete Flat Work. The MPI is a group of 16 north shore and northwest suburban municipalities who have been working together on group bids since the fall of 2010. This combined group bid effort reduces unit prices through increased quantities.


Bids for the Concrete Flatwork were duly advertised and publicly opened by the Village of Glenview on behalf MPI on February 15, 2015. This MPI bid was jointly collected for the Villages of Wheeling, Glenview, Northfield and Arlington Heights. The duration of the bid is for one year with the option to extend with a nominal increase for two separate one year extensions.


The total bid price for all municipalities is listed below:


Bidder                                                           Total

Mondi Construction, West Chicago              $563,284.75

Suburban Concrete, Mundelein                   $592,885.00

Schroeder & Schroeder, Skokie                   $643,282.50

D’Land Construction, Bensenville                 $691,997.50

A. Lamp Concrete, Schaumburg                  $766,025.00

G & M Cement, Addison                               $952,811.25


The contract for Concrete Flatwork generally includes unit prices and procedures for restoration or construction related to street, driveway apron, sidewalk, curb and catch basin concrete work. Unit prices are also included for traffic control and tree grate installation. While the total costs are dependent on the actual quantities used, Public Works expenditures will not exceed the total budgeted amount of $200,000.00.




It is recommended that the Village Board accept the competitive bid unit prices received by the MPI from the low bidder, Mondi Construction of West Chicago and approve a one-year contract issued by MPI to Mondi Construction for the eight month budget year for the not-to-exceed amount of $200,000. The bidder has been determined to be responsible and the bid meets specifications.

Bid Section

Item:Concrete Flatwork
Bid Opening Date:February 15, 2015
Account Numbers:101-7101-531.21-15 (General Fund) 505-7201-561.21-30 (Water and Sewer)
Total Budget for Specific Item:$ 200,000.00
Bid Amount:$563,284.75