Peggy Kinnane’s located at 8 N. Vail Avenue has submitted an application for outdoor dining on the public sidewalk along the Campbell Street frontage of their restaurant consistent with last year’s approval.
Chapter 28, Section 5.1-14.2 allows the use of public sidewalks for outdoor eating cafes subject to certain criteria. Because this request is to use public sidewalk, which requires a License Agreement, and to serve alcohol on that public sidewalk, review and approval by the Village Board is required.
The request from Peggy Kinnane’s is in accordance with the more relaxed requirements approved by the Village Board in May, 2014. Peggy Kinnane’s is delineating the dining area through the use of planters/fencing with openings that allow for a shared walkway for pedestrians, restaurants, patrons, and restaurant servers.
The application has been reviewed by the appropriate departments and meets all requirements. Peggy Kinnane’s has provided the appropriate insurance provisions and signed the License Agreement.
It is recommended that the Village Board approve the Resolution Approving a License Agreement for Peggy Kinnane’s outdoor dining request.