Item Coversheet

Item: Weed & Grass Cutting Services
Department: Health Services Division


The Health Department is responsible for controlling high weeds and grass growth on neglected residential and commercial properties throughout the Village. While the total costs are dependent on the actual lots serviced, during the season of 2014 there were approximately 147 cuts on 55 different properties. The Village is reimbursed for some expenses from this program by: payment from the property owner, collection agency, or property liens. 


Bids were duly advertised and publicly opened for Weed and Grass Cutting Services on March 16, 2015.




¼ Acre Lot



¼ Acre Lot



½ Acre Lot



½ Acre Lot



1 Acre Lot



1 Acre Lot

Rough Grd

& Vacant

Total Bid

TNT Landscape Const.

Elgin, IL















Flecks Landscaping

Wheeling, IL















Milieu Design Inc.

Wheeling, IL















Olive Grove Landscape

Elgin, IL















Herrera Landscape Inc.

Evanston, IL















KCG Mgmt.

Algonquin, IL
















Each of the above figures show the cumulative amount that the bidders submitted on their individual bids for different heights of grass and weeds on the above defined types of properties.  Unit prices are used to base annual costs for each vendor.  


Based on the unit prices, it was determined that TNT Landscape Construction, Inc. would provide the lowest overall cost to the Village and the property owners who are subsequently billed. This vendor has been determined to be responsible and meets all specifications. References were checked and were very favorable. 


The Village charges a $50 service fee for each cut, in addition to the charges from the Contractor.



It is recommended that the Village Board award a one-year contract with TNT Landscape Construction, Inc. Elgin, IL for commercial and residential properties in an amount not to exceed the annual budget amount of $24,000. 


Bid Section

Item:Weed & Grass Cutting Services
Bid Opening Date:March 16, 2015
Account Numbers:101-4502-523-2110
Total Budget for Specific Item:$24,000
Bid Amount:Based on unit prices