Item Coversheet

Item: Walk Behind Floor Saw
Department: Public Works



The replacement of a Walk Behind Floor Saw in the Public Works’ Street Unit is scheduled for FY14/15. Staff proposed and distributed bid specifications. Two bids were opened on March 16, 2015 and publicly read aloud. The following bids were received:


BIDDER                                                 COST        


O’Leary’s Contractors Equipment           $22,320

PR Diamond                                        $25,067


The Walk Behind Saw is used for defining the area of pavement that is either going to be repaired or replaced. The existing saw is over 15 years old and is need of replacement. The existing saw will be declared as surplus and sold at auction. Staff has successfully worked with O’Leary’s Contractors Equipment in the past and we recommend approval as their proposed saw meets specifications.




It is recommended that the Village Board approve the purchase of a Husqvarna FS 5000D Walk Behind Saw from O’Leary’s Contractors Equipment of Chicago, Illinois in the amount not to exceed $22,320.

Bid Section

Item:Walk Behind Floor Saw
Bid Opening Date:March 16, 2015
Account Numbers:401-7101-572.50-15 (EQ 94-01)
Total Budget for Specific Item:$30,000 (FY 14/15)
Bid Amount:$22,320