All Units within the Public Works Department utilize traffic control barricades at some point during the year. Barricades are used to identify construction work areas, to establish traffic control movements or potential hazards in a public space, crowd control and restricted areas, and for road closures including block parties. This year, Public Works went out to bid for the annual routine replacement of barricades that are either damaged or disappear. Although the total number of barricades varies each year, making one large order allows us to benefit from the economies of scale of a large initial purchase.
Specifications were prepared for an initial quantity of 250 barricades and to establish unit prices for supplemental purchases during the year. A public bid opening was held on March 18, 2015. The following six bids were opened and publicly read aloud:
Osburn Associates $46.25 $11,652.50
Traffic Control & Protection $52.00 $13,000.00
Barricade Lites Inc. $54.25 $13,562.50
NAFISCO, Inc. $55.45 $13,862.50
Emergent Safety Supply $56.67 $14,167.50
Lightle Enterprises $59.33 $14,832.50
The purchase is well within our budget of $13,300. Staff has checked Osburn's references and finds them acceptable. The existing barricades will be parted out for working components and will be disposed of when they no longer have any value.
It is recommended that the Village Board approve the purchase of Type I Barricades from Osburn Associates of Logan, Ohio, in an amount not to exceed $11,562.50 and a unit price of $46.25 for future purchases within budget.