Item Coversheet

Item: EAB Tree Removal Contract
Department: Public Works



On December 2, 2013 the Village Board awarded a contract to Clean Cut Tree Service of Grayslake, IL for tree removals due to the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB).  Clean Cut was determined to be the lowest responsible bidder out of six bids received. This was the beginning of our EAB removal season and at that time Staff anticipated removing 700 trees annually at a cost of $237,511. The Village is now through the second year of the contractual EAB work and has completed several bi-annual Parkway Tree Surveys. The infestation has accelerated beyond Staff’s original estimates.  Based on recent surveys and the parkway ash tree population that remains, Staff is estimating the need to remove an additional 1,350 ash trees in The 8-Month Budget Period Ending December 2015.


Clean Cut has been able to remove the ash trees more efficiently than originally anticipated and has performed well.


Staff is recommending the Village Board expand the ceiling of the contract with Clean Cut Tree Service to $722,110, an increase of $484,599. The expenditure is within budget as sufficient funds are available in the Budget for the 8-Month Period Ending December 2015.




It is recommended that the Village Board expand the ceiling of the contract with Clean Cut Tree Service of Grayslake, Illinois to $722,110 for EAB Tree Removal.

Bid Section

Bid Opening Date:
Account Numbers:435-7101-571.50-55 ST1320
Total Budget for Specific Item:$1,138,400
Bid Amount: