The Village owns and operates four parking garages. Year 1 of a 3-year rehabilitation of these garages has been funded in the Budget for the 8-Month Period Ending December 31, 2015. The garages that have been chosen for Year 1 rehabilitation are the Municipal Parking Garage, Vail Street Garage (TIF 1) and North Garage (TIF 2).
The Village awarded the design of this work to Walker Restoration Consultants on December 1, 2014. At the request of Staff, Walker provided a proposal for construction management for the first phase of the 3-year program at a cost not-to-exceed $22,000. With the construction estimated at $750,000, that fee represents 3% of the project cost, which is very competitive.
Staff continues to be impressed with the quality of work and level of detail Walker Restoration has provided. The bid process proceeded flawlessly and the Village received very few questions for a project this size.
Staff is recommending Walker Restoration based on their proposed fee and Walker's proven track record to bring the design plans to reality. Professional Services such as these are not required to be publicly bid. Funds for the construction management fees are included in the budget in account 235-7101-571-5022 and no fees will be incurred before May 1, 2015.
It is recommended that the Village Board award a contract for Construction Management Services for Year 1 of the Parking Garage Rehabilitation Program to Walker Restoration Consultants in an amount not-to-exceed $22,000.