The approved Budget for the 8-Month Period Ending December 31, 2015 includes funding for the Water System Improvements Project. This project is part of the Village’s ongoing program to replace aging water mains throughout the Village. The Public Works Department evaluates and prioritizes water main replacement based on defect severity, occurrence interval of failures, service reliability and other related parameters. This year’s project includes the replacement of water main on Clarendon from Dryden to Windsor, as well as Kennicott north of Fairview half way to George.
The 2015 Water System Improvements specified Clarendon as the base bid with Kennicott from Fairview to George broken into two parts. The Village often creates bidding documents with base and alternate options to leverage all possible funds for watermain replacement. In this case, funds were not available to perform replacement of both halves of Kennicott from Fairview to George.
Bids were duly advertised and publicly opened for the 2015 Water System Improvements on March 26, 2015. The Village’s design engineer, McClure Engineering, recommends that Patnik Construction be awarded the 2015 Water System Improvements. Patnik Construction has performed similar work recently and was found to be responsible and competent. Staff concurs with McClure’s recommendation. The low qualified bid is $66,474 below the approved budget.
Bidder Total
Patnick Construction, Franklin Park, IL $433,526.00
Vian Construction, Elk Grove, IL $528,488.00
Lampignano & Sons, Arlington Heights, IL $534,680.00
J. Congdon Sewer Service, Carol Stream, IL $568,545.00
Glenbrook Excavating. Wauconda, IL $627,654.00
Swallow Construction, Downers Grove, IL $677,591.00
Berger Excavating Cont., Wauconda, IL $678,926.36
Gerardi Sewer, Norridge, IL $755,254.00
It is recommended that the Village Board award a contract for the 2015 Water System Improvements to the low responsible bidder, Patnik Construction of Franklin Park Illinois, in the amount of $433,526 and authorize execution of a contract regarding this engagement. The bidder has been determined to be responsible and the bid meets specifications.