Participation as a member of Northwest Central Dispatch (NWCDS), our 911 cooperative, is governed by an Intergovernmental Venture Agreement. It creates the intergovernmental entity as authorized under State law.
There has been recent discussion by the NWCDS Board of Directors to expand the original Venture Agreement’s scope to facilitate broader opportunity for the partner communities to engage in shared services relating to public safety. Examples could be expanded shared purchasing of equipment or the employment of joint emergency services personnel.
The Board of Directors directed NWCDS staff to draft an updated Venture Agreement to facilitate broader cooperation with the help of their attorney. In the process of drafting this change, a number of other needed updates were identified.
The current agreement does not explicitly grant authority to the Board of Directors to engage in activities such as the hiring of attorneys, auditors, or other consultants, although the Board has been engaging in those activities through the life of the Agreement. The Amended Agreement includes a new section that enumerates the Board of Director’s powers. The only change to those powers from existing practices is the granting of authority to approve new members into NWCDS with a requirement of 3/4ths of the Board of Director’s approval. In the past, that authority has rested with the governing Boards of each of the member municipalities. To date, there has never been a recommendation for increased membership that has been denied by the governing Boards.
All of the other changes merely clarify or codify current practices. These changes were approved by the Board of Directors at its March 19th. However, in order the changes to go into effect, the Amended Venture Agreement must be adopted via a resolution by all of the member municipalities.
Staff views this updated document as positive, as it may facilitate more efficient and cost effective services to our residents through shared services.
It is recommended that the Village Board approve the attached Resolution Approving an Amended and Restated Venture Northwest Central Dispatch System Venture Agreement.