The attached ordinance proposes amendments to the Municipal Code related to liquor.
The first amendment is necessary as a result of an amendment to the State liquor laws adopted last year, which becomes effective July 1. The State now requires all sellers and servers of alcohol to be BASSET trained. Currently, the Village has two liquor classifications which did not require their servers to have BASSET training. These classifications are Class I, which is for Wine Cafes, and Class J, which is for not-for-profit live theater. (This change in State law does not apply to volunteers serving alcohol at charitable functions, e.g. Frontier Days.)
In addition, there is a proposed change to the Hours of Operation for Daily License Holders to codify the current practice of requiring liquor sellers to stop selling liquor 30 minutes before the event closes. The Police Department has been enforcing this practice and codifying it will assist enforcement.
The final change is just a clean-up of a provision related to hours for tastings. When tastings were first permitted, they had to cease at 8:00 p.m. When a separate class of license for tastings was created, that time limit was eliminated. Tastings are governed by the hours for the hosting establishment.
It is recommended that the Village Board adopt the attached Ordinance Amending Chapter 13 of the Arlington Heights Municipal Code.