Item Coversheet

Item: Roadway Maintenance Materials - FY Ending December 31,2015
Department: Public Works



Roadway maintenance materials are used by the Public Works Street Unit for street and sidewalk repairs, including the in-house paving program and pavement restoration from watermain and sewer repairs.


On May 28, 2015, a bid opening was held and four bids were publicly opened and read aloud.  The bid was for furnishing asphalt and concrete materials for FY Ending December 31, 2015. The bids are as follows:


VENDOR        Bit. Surface /ton        Bit. Binder /ton        Emulslon /ton       PCC /cu yd

Arrow Road        $50.75                        $46.75                    $8.00                   -

Mt. Prospect, IL


Orange Crush     $62.65                        $58.15                    $9.00                   -

Hillside, IL       


Plote Const.        $62.40                        $57.40                    $10.00                 -          

Elgin, IL


Ozinga Concrete      -                                  -                               -            $115.00          

Mokena, IL


Included in the bid specifications is a mileage differential for the Bituminous Surface and Bituminous Binder items to better equalize the bids since Public Works picks up the material from the individual plants.  The bid amounts for these items include the differential outlined above.  The bid unit price for the Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) is a delivered price and the mileage differential does not apply.  Ozninga's nearest concrete plant is located in Des Plaines.  Staff is requesting authorization to purchase from multiple vendors, because periodically the low bidder cannot furnish materials when needed by the Village and it becomes necessary to obtain them from the next low bidder.




It is recommended that the Village Board award the Roadway Maintenance Materials contracts to the low bidders, Arrow Road Construction for asphalt materials and to Ozinga Concrete for the concrete materials, in accordance with the bid tabulation above.  It is further recommended that if the low bidder cannot furnish materials in a timely manner, purchases be authorized from the other bidders, from the lowest to the highest unit price.  The bidders have been determined to be responsible and the bids meet specifications. 

Bid Section

Item:Roadway Maintenance Materials - FY Ending December 31, 2015
Bid Opening Date:May 28, 2015
Account Numbers:101-7101-531.30-90 and 505-7201-561.31-90
Total Budget for Specific Item:$515,000 (PW) and $18,700 (W&S)
Bid Amount:Per unit price as listed above